
Our Class Specific Homework:

Please check your child's take-home folder every night. Thank you!

Your child should be reading about 20 minutes a night for homework. This reading time will look very different for different readers. For most, this will mean 20 minutes (or more!), sitting in a calm, quiet spot with a book. Other ideas may include:
1) partner reading a book with a family member
2) listening to a book read to them by a person or a program
3) reading a picture book out loud to a parent or sibling to practice fluency
The goal is to create a reader who looks forward to reading. If you are unsure what this looks like, please contact me for more ideas!

We are starting a new spelling program this year: Words Their Way. WTW is an individualized approach that focuses in on the skills each child needs to develop into a stronger speller. As for spelling homework, parents will receive a list of third grade priority words for each child to work on with a menu of activities. These will be sent home throughout the year.

There will be math Home Links to complete most days. Some units take longer than one day to complete, and those days you may not get one. These Home Links are concepts we have learned in class. However, not all Home Links are secure and some concepts are at an introductory level. These should be pretty quick to complete. If they are causing stress, write me a note and send the Home Link back to school. Students will not be given Home Links on Fridays.

Discovery Math will be sent out every Friday and your child has the option to turn it in by the following Friday.

Please note that homelinks/spelling/etc. should not take more than 10-15 minutes and it should be a positive experience. Please contact me if there are concerns or questions regarding homework. Thank you for working together to support positive homework habits!

**I challenge students to be active and playful every night!**

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