Friday, December 15, 2017

December 15th!

This week’s bloggers of the week are Tyler and Alyosha!

In Math: We learned about perimeter and area.
For example,
P (perimeter)= The length of the outside of a shape,
A (area)= The square unit of the inside of a shape.

In Writing: We did a writing prompt to see how much we’ve learned
so far this year. We also made a mini project called “Best Part Of Me”
and took a picture of the favorite part of our body.

In Reading: We are finding the main idea and details when reading
nonfiction. An article we read was called
“Weird But Wonderful Octopuses.”

Social studies: We started working on our country project at home.
We each have chosen a different country to study on and we will have
a presentation in February. We also started a packet called
“Where In The World Is Yarmouth?”

Other/Announcement: We went rock climbing at the high school
on Wednesday. We each climbed about 8-10 times with the help
of 4 high school students and a coach.
Check out the rock climbing video!!

We also watched the winter concert at the gym on Friday.

Thank you to those who have donated for our third grade holiday rotations!
Please bring in donations by Monday.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Super Girls!

This week's bloggers of the week are... Eliza and Zofia!

In math: We measured a lot of objects with rulers. We also learned about the names of shapes, such as quadrilaterals and nonagons. 

In writing: We finished writing our mini-expert books.

In reading: we are reading books about countries so we can choose our top 3 countries for our future project. We are also continuing to read "The One and Only Ivan" as a chapter book. 

Social Studies: We browsed through different countries each day so that we can make a decision on which country to work on for our future project. 

Other/Announcement: We have been working on cursive handwriting. We also have been working on our Words Their Way sorts. 

Friday, December 1, 2017

December 1st!

This week’s bloggers of the week are...
Emma and Jack!

In math: We learned the commutative property of multiplication. (Example 2x4=4x2)

In writing: We started our nonfiction writing unit. We are working on mini expert books.

In reading: We read lots of nonfiction books and articles.

In social studies: We learned about Pangaea (all of the continents together.) Next week, we are starting our big country project.

Other/Announcement: We have a new friend in class from this week. Welcome to room 102 Hagen!!

We also had a community meeting about kindness and donating to the Yarmouth food pantry.

Thank you, Mrs. Leeder, for helping us with this blog post!